Tuesday, August 25, 2009

End of Summer Fun part 1

In all of this end of summer fun, Ava lost a big tooth. She is so proud of her snaggle-tooth smile.

Ok, this picture was supposed to be focused on Cole.

Sadie just chillin' in the pool.

I almost blinded them trying to get the perfect picture. Well, they arent blind and I didn't get the perfect picture.

Loving the sun.

Amber, Cami, Karston and Kayden came to the beach with us.

Ava's amazing sandcastle. She did it all by herself. And that's the way she wanted it.

Aren't they sweet?

Wow! Hubba hubba

Handsome little man

Heading out to the waves.

Look! She has all of her teeth here. One day later, everything changed.

The end of summer means squeezing in all of the fun you can in a short amount of time. I think we did a pretty good job of that.

Amanda, Matt, Cole and Sadie came for a visit. We had a great time. Of course, we went to the Texas State Aquarium. I don't know how many more times I can see the same fish and birds. But, the kids love it and that makes it all worth it. We spent a day at the beach too. That never gets boring. No visit is complete without a visit to the two story Whataburger on Ocean drive. They had fun teasing the seagulls out on the deck and scaring me when they climbed on the rail.

1 comment:

The Bright Family said...

I don't think you need to post pictures of me--ugh! Thanks for letting us come to the beach with you!! Kayden finally in the water--hoorah!! Love that picture of Adiah & Ava--wow she is just sooo beautiful. Josh is convinced Karston is going to be better at baseball just because Ms. Ava will be watching!! :)