I decided that it was time to start the blog up again. No entries since 2007. WOW! So much has happened.
We made the big move last year at the end of September. Everything just fell into place. It was amazing how smoothly everything went. But then, everything seemed so wrong. My life was over. :o) No friends, no church, no job, NO LIFE. What in the world was I going to do? Oddly enough I threw myself into anything that came my way. Those of you who know me know that this is not at all in my character. I was terrified but I thought if I was going to be happy then it was totally up to me. What in the world was I doing? People probably thought that I was crazy. I would walk up to anyone in my path and stick my hand out and say, "Hi, I'm Allison." What!!! I just knew every new person I met was going to be my new "best friend". Yes, I was crazy and some of those people may have been a little scared but I was so determined that I was not going to be responsible for my unhappiness. Well, so many weeks went by with no friends and no church. I literally made an indention in my couch from sitting in the same place day after day feeling sorry for myself. What a loser! :0) Well, the week after Christmas break we started going to a great church and I realized that there was so much potential for friends there. I really looked forward to Sundays but the week days, well, they were the same. I took a leap of faith and went on a weekend retreat with the church with people I really didn't know but had a great time. I really feel a part now.
Life at the beach is really fabulous for the most part. It's like a permanent vacation. Everyweekend there's something exciting to do. I have made a couple of great friends and I am always looking for something new to entertain the girls. Next week we are meeting our friends out at the bay in the kayak to watch the Blue Angels all afternoon. You can't do that in East Texas.
Staying at home has become a wonderful thing. I feel so blessed to have a husband who wants me to be happy and wants me to play and help the girls all day. How did I get so lucky? I can't believe that I wasn't enjoying it at first. There is nothing better than this.
Jason is still in school. Yes, he is. One more year. That's it! No more. He promises. At least until the girls graduate. This semester is so time consuming for him. He studies so much. He will graduate May 2010 with a master's in Healthcare Administration. Oh please Lord give him a good job so we can pay back these student loans. :0) It's got to be in CC though because I'm not moving again. There is still so much that I want to do here. I don't even have a palm tree yet.
Adiah and Ava love it here. We love their school and their teachers are great. They have had so many opportunities here and exposure to new things that they didn't have before. Not that it's better, just different. I help in the library at least twice a week and with Ava's class as often as possible. Her teacher has an open door which I really appreciate. Adiah's teacher keeps the parents at an arms length but that's ok too. Adiah is fine and she tells me everything that goes on in great detail every day. Her teacher seems to be very caring and really puts a lot of time into Adiah and her learning needs.
Ava has started soccer and has improved so much from last year. She is so funny to watch. I see a little bit of me in her. She gets out there and elbows the boys gritting her teeth. It's still cute though. We may need to tame her a bit before long. She is not shy at all anymore. That is a little bit of Jason.
Adiah decided to take gymnastics. Her only goal in life is to do a great cartwheel. She is getting so much better. Unfortunately she broke her arm last week when she fell off the balance beam and will not be able to go for several more weeks. Surprisingly she wanted to keep going with her cast. This is the same girls who will not play softball because she is afraid of getting a black eye. Since the break she says that doesn't scare her anymore. Maybe that will be our positive out of a really big negative.
So...life is good in CC, Texas. For today anyway. :o)
Our Karston graduated on May 28, 2021. The day didn't go as planned, just
like his whole school year. Karston was a virtual student most of the
year. ...
3 years ago
We are soooooo happy the Cunningham family moved to CC. :) Just wished we had met the second you guys had gotten there, so your couch wouldn't have a worn part. :(
Me too. :0)
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